The Calm Before the Storm

I can't believe it is September already. Someone in my writing group mentioned that it is only two months until NaNoWriMo! Yikes!!!

I've talked quite a bit about NaNoWriMo in the past, but I'm not sure if I've ever explained what it is. Well, in a nutshell, NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month or NaNo (as I call it) is a fun way to give you the push to write a novel in a month.

It is actually pretty easy to understand. NaNo begins at midnight on November 1st and runs through 11:59 on November 30th, so the entire month of November. Your goal is to write a 50,000 word novel before 11:59 on November 30th. Pretty simple, right?

While the rules are simple to understand, writing 50,000 words in a month is not. It is tough! I have been fortunate to have won the last two years, but it took a lot of focus and hard work.

So, for the weeks leading up to NaNo I'll post some tips and tricks that have helped me to "win" NaNo. You actually don't really win anything with NaNo. Well, that is not true. You get a certificate and some pretty cool writing perks, but most importantly you have a 50,000 word novel completed! That is the best gift of all. I also have a few tutorials lined up to help you with organizing and planning your novel.

In October, I will be taking part in a fun blog hop/giveaway. I'll be giving away a gift card (not sure if it will be Amazon or Barnes and Noble) and another fun gift. If you followed me on Twitter or Instagram during last year's NaNo you saw how I kept track of my daily word count. Well, I picked up an extra "tracker" and I'll be including that in the giveaway as well. Pretty fun!

As for me, I will be beginning my NaNo prep work this weekend. I can get a jumpstart on everything. That makes me a very happy writer!