Getting my writing mojo back

For the past several months I just haven't had the energy (or drive) to really do anything, let alone write. I've had quite a rough start to 2017, including having to put to sleep my cat of 13 years. It has been a chore to really accomplish anything lately.

After doing a ton of research over Christmas break I really haven't touched my book at all this year.  That goes double for blogging. So, how do I get my writing mojo back?

Well, late last year I decided I was going to focus 100% of my time on my time-travel book and publish it at the end of the year. But after giving it a lot of thought I decided that it would be better for me to really make the push to get my mystery novel, A Deadly Melody, done. My time-travel book spans 300+ years and really requires a lot of research. My mystery is pretty cut and dry.

I also was inspired to jump back into my mystery novel after signing up for the local Citizens Police Academy. It has been an amazing 9 weeks of learning all about law enforcement, participating in hands on training classes, and even shooting a machine gun. It was a ton of fun and very informative.

I will also be participating in JuNoWriMo this year, which I have not been successful in completing in the past. So next month will be the month for me to focus on getting the first draft of A Deadly Melody completely done! 

I've got a checklist on my sidebar of everything I need to get done before I start JuNoWriMo. One of the items that I've completed is my novel playlist. I NEED a novel playlist. It is the one thing that keeps me focused on the novel, characters, and story.

I use Spotify and my iTouch for my playlists. I LOVE Spotify and the folks at Spotify make it so easy to set up playlists for everything. I do currently pay for the premium version. It is about $10 a month, which isn't too bad, but my purse strings will be tighening soon so this might be something that I have to give up. I really hope not, though!

If you want to take a listen to my playlist you can check it out, here. It features a lot of rockin' female singers. My main character is a rock star, after all! :)